Well today my oldest son is writing the SEA examination.
For those of you who don't know what that is...Google is yuh friend.
And dis SEA Exam is not like the Common Entrance of my day some plenty years ago eh.
Is no multiple choice, yuh hadda write everything now, and it eh have no more Science and Social Studies either, is only Mathematics, English and Composition. The only thing that is the same is that you still have to write it in pencil.
So after 2 years of what seemed like never ending lessons, morning and evening in school and every Saturday in Trincity, hence my weekly sojourns to the mall every weekend (no I doh like Trincity Mall that much)...DE DAY is finally here.
De day that all parents worry over.
De Day that all parents stress over.
De day all parents fret over.
De day that the children look forward to ending so dey could go Movietowne with dey friends after de day over.
I remember it was just the other day when my child was born, then braps so he started first year, and before I blinked he was writing SEA.
This post is just to wish my big son good luck and just do your best!
(Just think I have to all this over again the next two years with the next one!)
THEY GROW UP SO FAST!!!....Good luck Junior AC.
Make sure to carry him for his free ice-cream at TCBY after ;)
I'm risking writing a novel here :)
I remember when that little stinker was born. I really wanted to wait around for him to make his appearance but he was taking his time or something! Good luck today!
All the best of luck go out to Junior AC..hope he gets thru to the school that he picked.
Thanks for the good wishes folks, he said the exam went well.
He's in his favorite place right now - The Game Zone.
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