Date: Saturday 23rd October 2010
Location: YMCA Wrightson Road, Port of SpainCost: Free

When I first heard that D'Krewe's launch was moved from Ariapita Avenue to YMCA, I honestly had second thoughts about attending. That area has absolutely NO parking, and this was evident when I got to YMCA and had to park on the road, despite being invited as media.
At the entrance to the venue, we were greeted by drumming that set the tone for the launch. I found the venues to be very dark, I thought the lights at the venue should have been turned on for the event...(I cannot people-watch good in the dark!).
After milling about in the dark a bit, I got the opportunity to go behind the scenes and see the costumes before they hit the stage, and was impressed. While there was no costume to match the gorgeousness of my Kindred Spirit costume of this year, the costumes were looking good for the most part.
After numerous promises and announcements by the dj, Mark Anthony (with his perfectly stenciled on beard and moustache) came on to introduce the presentation. D'Krewe opened with dancers, however unlike previous years these dancers didn't seem as coordinated. After the dancers left the stage, it was time for the costumes.
Rhythm of Drums

This section was well received by the patrons, with lots of ohhh, ahhs and I think I heard a few "yummy's" in there as well. It was also one of my favorites when I saw it backstage. I loved the use of the spandex in the costume and headpiece. I am not a fan of the bra and belt design however, and those spandex arm sleeves are very dated, reminds me of when I used to play with Wayne Berekly in the early 90's, that was a staple in ALL his section.

I like this colour combo, the men section is simple but very nice I thought. I like the small backpack with the bonnet feathers and love the larger version on the frontline. It looks very sturdy and comfortable.
Dust in Yuh Face

This section came on so fast I barely had time to snap a pic of it. It's not in my top three but it's a nice costume with familiar elements in the fabric styling and braid used. The male costume is sad.
D Rhythm of Art

While I like the male version of this costume, I think this section is out of place in the band. The female costume is kind blah to me as I've seen that style many times before, and I'm not feeling it. I think the backpack should be an option for the females as well, but that it should also be more substantial, it seems out of proportion to me. A bigger guy wearing that would get lost.

I like the shape and design on the bra, but I do not like the use of the the darker shade of blue for the base of the bra and the bikini. Again the use of the spandex on the belt of the female costume was nice, but the colour is off here as well. I would love to see a frontline for this section. The male costume is good, I like the collar and belt.
Iron and Steel

The curly whirly pieces on the female costume looked was an interesting element I thought. Another section that could do with a frontline with a super duper headpiece. Another sad male costume.
Rhythm of Style

As someone with an err...ample midsection I liked the corset option featured with the section. I also like the style of the costume. I just think it is way too much of this pale purple/lavender colour. Too much purple for me. The male costume does not match the section name in the least.
Rhythm in Blue

Another of my top three picks, I love the frontline, but I doh think those two scraps of fabric on the arms are needed. The backline costume is okay, but again, I could do without the fabric pieces. The male costume is quite boring in comparison.
Rhythm in Flight

One of my favorite sections, I would dear say my outright favorite. I like the colour combination and all the variations, backline, frontline and in between. The male section is perfect for those who are looking for more than the average male costume. Seeing some familiar styles and elements used here as well, but they were executed well.
Rhythm of Dance

This was presented as a section at the launch but I was later told that this section was for the dancers in the band only, which kinda saved me from having to critique this costume. *phew* I do think though, that once the national colours are being used, they should be properly represented.

A very vibrant costume in pink, green and gold that wasn't captured too well with my camera. A male was not featured however.

I'm not getting what the name has to do with the overall theme, but I do love the backpack on the frontline version of this costume, and this is also one of my top three picks. The belt piece of the frontline costume could do with some changes, like that black piece sticking up toward your stomach. I like the orange and black beading used on the monokini and bikini option as well. The male costume is pretty generic.
Generally I liked the costumes presented, however, it seemed as if the models did not practice on the stage and this resulted in many of them leaving the stage too early and photographers (me at least) not getting enough shots of the costumes section by section.
I think the launch also lacked a certain level of professionalism, there were no real 'perks' (parking, exclusive veiwing of costumes etc) to being media except for the viewing of the costume backstage, and we had to ask if this was possible as it was not offered as an option. Maybe I've just been spoiled by other launches.
Overall I give the launch 3.5 drumbeats out of 5.
You can check out more pics of D'Krewe's Rhythms on my photobucket album HERE or on my Facebook album HERE.