Date: Friday 8th October 2010
Location: Mobs 2, Chaguaramas
Cost: TT$400.00

Well after last year's spectacular launch in Tobago expectations were high for Brian Mac Farlane's 2011 presentation "Humanity-Circle of Life".
We got to Mobs 2 just after 9:00pm and made our way inside. Having not been to Mobs 2 in ages, (probably since the days of glow fete) I was pretty amazed by how the venue looked. A lot of the surface has been graded down and re-paved.
The launch was held in what is usually the VIP area for Insomnia. The theme was black and white and all attendees and guests were asked to comply with the colour theme. The overall effect was very nice and there were lots of fashonistas out and about...(the Bloggerati included of course. LOL)
The show started shortly after Uncle Max arrived at about 10:15pm and we made out way stageside along with the other media present (of which there were plenty!)

Opening the show was the Alternative Quartet who are always fantastic in my opinion. They performed a great rendition of David Rudder's 'Oil and Music'. After the Alternative Quartet, the show began with performers crawling onto the stage amidst smoke. We then saw white versions of birds who then unveiled the large silver hand from which Mac Farlane, dressed as a sage in robes, appeared to give us the story behind the presentation.

I was glad to see the trend that he started last year was continued, with showing of actual costume prototypes. LOVED that.
I think this presentation will have great impact on the road, as black and white is always fierce.
Overall though I'm not loving the individual costumes as much as in previous years and this may be because the presentation is a bit more abstract, I'm not sure.

My favorite sections are: Baptism, Knowledge, Work, Freedom and Passion.
You can check out my album on Facebook HERE.
After the presentation Roy Cape took to the stage.
I am once again making a public plea for someone to step in and act as Rita Jones' stylist. Rita looked she didn't make the cut for Ru Paul's Drag Race.
Other than the distraction of Rita, Roy Cape gave a great performance and got the stoosh crowd moving. Blaxx was entertaining as always. Benjai was a guest performer with the band and sang one of my favorites "Carnival Come Again".
Tony Prescott also performed with the band and informed the crowd that he will be with Roy Cape for Carnival 2011. (What happen to Surface? Anyone?). We left the launch after Roy Cape completed their set.

The food at the launch was on point. I started and ended my night with a cup of delicious corn soup. The wings, accra, pholourie and the sauce was bess. I LOVED the local delicacies...the tamarind ball take win! Drinks flowed all night as well, there was the regular bar as well as the wine bar, and my Coke on the rocks were nice and gassy just how I like it.
Overall this was a good launch, though not as WOW as Tobago and I would give it 4 out of 5.
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