Location: Chaguaramas
Cost: $550
The end.
The end.
It is hard
for me to do a review for this party, as I feel I will not be able to
adequately capture the level of epicness that is A.M. Bush. But here goes…
Armed with
our wigs and alien antenna and custom Pan-Tees we got to A.M Bush just after
4am, a little later than we usual. There was some ‘traffic’ backed up on the
road just before you got to the parking area at Samaan Park. We layered our
seats with garbage bags before heading out to meet the shuttles that would take
us to the site of the alien invasion. Unfortunately for whatever reason, we
never got a shuttle and ended up walking in. This in no way soured the vibes as
we entertained ourselves with talks of snakes, lagahoo and douens that were
possibly hiding in the forest. The walk in wasn't as far as I thought it was
and in no time it seemed we were in the middle of the invasion.
The party this
year was the biggest one yet and this in no way lessened the vibes.
1. Paint
An important
staple of any J’ouvert, we had bottles filled with paint in red, yellow and
blue this year. After the paint ran out, the abeer came out. We had purple,
turquoise, yellow and some other colours I don’t quite remember now. As usual
my crew and I took pleasure in painting everyone who thought they could come to
a J’ouvert party and stay clean…yes that was us. Just a word to my fellow A.M.
Bushees…doh fling paint and abeer in people face nah…I almost went
blind when I got some abeer in my eye.
2. Drinks & eats
I think
there were three…*counting* drinks trucks this year?? Drinks flowed. My drink
of choice didn't run out.
While we didn't get any breakfast (It was finished by the time we got there), I did have one of the
best corn soups of my life when we got back to Samaan Park. I also had a
doubles that was very tasty and I’m not a doubles lover (yes, blasphemy I
I think there were also three music trucks…but however many there were played great soca. New, old and everything in between.
4. Live Entertainment
On the way
back to Samaan Park, we were entertained by Lil Rick, then later on as the sun
came up by Mr. Soul Train himself Bunji Garlin. Lil Rick was really good as we
chipped out, and needless to say Bunji was fantastic singing hit after hit,
both old and new.

5. Water
The water
truck came out while Bunji was performing and that was all she wrote. At least
that’s what we thought, until we got back to Samaan Park to find a water play park
waiting for us. My friends and I were able to try the slides before the whole
of A.M. Bush came out and swarmed the area.
6. Vibes
It is very
difficult to explain exactly how much vibes this party has. The level of
abandon is beyond even what is experienced on the road Monday and Tuesday. My
Carnival tabanca is actually made worse when I watch back at pics from A.M. Bush,
than pics from Monday and Tuesday.
A.M. Bush Invasion gets a too real 10 out of 10.
Photos: http://www.facebook.com/SLEEKjamaica
Arial photo: http://instagram.com/peterparkershay
1 comment:
JMC, this totally and accurately sums up any AM BUSH experience "It is very difficult to explain exactly how much vibes this party has. The level of abandon is beyond even what is experienced on the road Monday and Tuesday." It just keeps getting better with each year :)
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