Not in full effect, but it is.
After experiencing bouts of extreme job-related malaise, I decided to take things into my own hands (again) and start back sending out those job applications.
To this end, I have sent out 3 applications for the month of July. Two were agencies, (that want you to pay a fee and send in your photo, references etc…been there, done that), and one was in the newspaper, and I sent out that one last Friday.
On the advice of a friend, I called them (the newspaper ad) this morning to find out if they got my application and they said no, to send it again. Lo and behold, when I was sending it again, another friend hailed me out on Google Talk and when I told them what I was doing and who I was sending it to, they said they knew someone at the company and would mention me to them. Trinidad too choonky again…
So I’m happy at the moment. :D
I’m not resting on my laurels though, (das a real funny saying eh? “resting on my laurels”…anyhoo…) and I’m still on the look out for a new job.
I’m currently pursuing my LCCI Marketing diploma, with exams in November (studying fuh dat go be a next toree in itself, since meen like nuttin name study) and the lecturer told us in class last week, that we shoulda started studying like yesterday!
So if I missing in action more so than usual, it probably means I’m studying. Or maybe not.
After experiencing bouts of extreme job-related malaise, I decided to take things into my own hands (again) and start back sending out those job applications.
To this end, I have sent out 3 applications for the month of July. Two were agencies, (that want you to pay a fee and send in your photo, references etc…been there, done that), and one was in the newspaper, and I sent out that one last Friday.
On the advice of a friend, I called them (the newspaper ad) this morning to find out if they got my application and they said no, to send it again. Lo and behold, when I was sending it again, another friend hailed me out on Google Talk and when I told them what I was doing and who I was sending it to, they said they knew someone at the company and would mention me to them. Trinidad too choonky again…
So I’m happy at the moment. :D
I’m not resting on my laurels though, (das a real funny saying eh? “resting on my laurels”…anyhoo…) and I’m still on the look out for a new job.
I’m currently pursuing my LCCI Marketing diploma, with exams in November (studying fuh dat go be a next toree in itself, since meen like nuttin name study) and the lecturer told us in class last week, that we shoulda started studying like yesterday!
So if I missing in action more so than usual, it probably means I’m studying. Or maybe not.
did you really hyperlink google talk... yuh getting pay fuh that ah wha.. :)
good lock...
Afro why do you need to send a pic with your resume? Is a modeling job they think you are applying for. Sometimes I have to wonder if Trinidad have any type discrimination laws in place.
Good luck on the job hunting.
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