I used to read her lil pieces of gossip and get a little laugh every so often.
So in lieu of Loose Lips Laura, as often as I hear a lil piece of something I will post it on my blog, under the heading "Tongue in Chic" (Cheek).
This is the first (and maybe only) installment.
AC understands that a former section leader of the now defunt Barbarossa and
Poison, now finds themselves between a rock and a hard place.

The section leader who has not brought out a section for the past two years is said to be owing some of their designers money and has now resorted to selling off their jewellery.
It was suprising to hear this, having played with the said section leader myself, and knowing that their sections used to be quite full and we the masqueraders would have a merry time.
Apparently there were a lot of snakes close to the entertainer turned section leader, who gave poor financial advice, which has resulted in their demise.
You and me both miss her, I have been checking but she has'nt post in LONG while.
that was good!
AC she's back! Yes!
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