Location: Zen

I was happy to get a bligh to attend Spice's launch on Saturday. Not so happy because the Avatar Finale was the same night! Thankfully, Avatar finished just about 10 o' clock giving me enough time to get ready and leave the house.
Got a call from the Sauce just as I was about to head out the door at around 11:15pm and told her I was on my way.
Parking was non-existent in and around Zen. The hubby and I finally found a spot, got out and made our way (as advised by the Sauce) to the steps where we would be let in. Unlike Saucy though, I had to wait in a line while they sorted out invitations and bands, meanwhile members of Spice's committee were saying that the presentation had already started!
We eventually made our way inside and stage side where I was able to get some pics of some of the sections.
All I can say for Spice is OMFG! Can we say SKIMPAY?! The costumes are Nekkid with a capital' N'. Sexy yes, but tres skimpy...and did I mention skimpy? Okay right.
So on to the costumes.
Melilot Blue

I think Ive said several times before that I love a blue costume. Melilot Blue unfortunately is not one of them. I am NOT feeling that backpack, that was already showing signs of damage at the launch, wuss yet on the road.
The swimsuit is okay enough but reminds me of IP's Red Tiger 2008. The backline is just okay and overshadowed by the frontline.

This is an okay costume, but not one of my faves.
I do not like the orange and silver mix.
I do like the way the cage bra hooks around the neck though.
Golden Basil

Ohhh...look...it's Brown Sugar with less molasses! No wait...it's Golden Basil.
All kicks aside though, I like this section. I like the cut of the bra and the backpack on the frontline.
I also like the belt on this costume. Not a fan of the floral working on the bra as this looks like it may be uncomfortable next to your skin all day.

By far my favorite costume of the night and if I were playing with Spice, this would definitely be my section.
Love the collar around the neck. Perfect for the road. Not too big to block people or disrupt you while throwing some waist.
Love the belt. Love the bra.
I done seeing the boots for this section in my head!

The use of the rhinestones on the belt here is nice and I like the colour combo. I've always wanted to play in a section in these colours.
This was the last of the costumes I got to see before we went upstairs to view the costumes up close and personal. But before that we were treated to a view of how the costumes would look on the road at night.

Lights off
Back to the costumes.
So up on Zen's rooftop we got to view the costumes up close and personal, albeit only the frontline costumes.
Brown Sugar

Still a beautiful costume and one of the sold out sections. One of my favorites.
Sea Salt

Another of the sold out sections.
That headpiece is absolutely WOW! Talk about a headpiece on steroids...I love it. Not sure if I could wear that on the road though. The backline of the costume though reminds me of Egret (IP 2008)
Scotch Bennet

This is a nice costume, esp the frontline, but dare I say a bit too much red?
Nice detail on the bra and the neck piece.
Garden of Sage and Mediterranean Borage
Garden of Sage
I do not like this costume and it's my least favorite. The shade of green needs to be mixed with some other colour or something. Just watching it gives me a headache.
Mediterranean Borage
Love the colour combination on this costume as well as the working on the bra and belt. The frontline thought looks more like a backline and needs something to set it apart.
I stayed and socialised for a bit then left the launch shortly after 1:30pm.
All of the costumes come with a corset option, once requested.
The price range is from $2300 up to $4500.
Now this question was asked to 3 committee members and I got that response from one, but the other two simply told me the prices would be "competitive". Could I get a less straight answer?
Overall the launch was good and I was impressed by Spice's first showing.
I only have a few questions I would like answered:
Where are the dark-skinned models? Was with all the 'red women'?
Where are the ful figured models? What's up with all the stick models?
Where is the soca music? Playing it for just a bit doh count...it's a CARNIVAL band launch.
Overall Spice's presentation gets an 8 out of 10.
You can check Facebook for more pics and closeups of the bras and belts.
Spice - Album 1
Spice - Album 2
And if you haven't already, you can read Saucy's review here and check out her pics as well.
So up on Zen's rooftop we got to view the costumes up close and personal, albeit only the frontline costumes.
Brown Sugar

Still a beautiful costume and one of the sold out sections. One of my favorites.
Sea Salt

Another of the sold out sections.
That headpiece is absolutely WOW! Talk about a headpiece on steroids...I love it. Not sure if I could wear that on the road though. The backline of the costume though reminds me of Egret (IP 2008)
Scotch Bennet

This is a nice costume, esp the frontline, but dare I say a bit too much red?
Nice detail on the bra and the neck piece.
Garden of Sage and Mediterranean Borage

I do not like this costume and it's my least favorite. The shade of green needs to be mixed with some other colour or something. Just watching it gives me a headache.
Mediterranean Borage
Love the colour combination on this costume as well as the working on the bra and belt. The frontline thought looks more like a backline and needs something to set it apart.
I stayed and socialised for a bit then left the launch shortly after 1:30pm.
All of the costumes come with a corset option, once requested.
The price range is from $2300 up to $4500.
Now this question was asked to 3 committee members and I got that response from one, but the other two simply told me the prices would be "competitive". Could I get a less straight answer?
Overall the launch was good and I was impressed by Spice's first showing.
I only have a few questions I would like answered:
Where are the dark-skinned models? Was with all the 'red women'?
Where are the ful figured models? What's up with all the stick models?
Where is the soca music? Playing it for just a bit doh count...it's a CARNIVAL band launch.
Overall Spice's presentation gets an 8 out of 10.
You can check Facebook for more pics and closeups of the bras and belts.
Spice - Album 1
Spice - Album 2
And if you haven't already, you can read Saucy's review here and check out her pics as well.
good one Afro .... dem same two yuh say yuh wuzin lovin .... is de same two I LOVED ... Paprika and Melilot .... den when ah maco-ed de Spice website ... ah fall fuh Peppercorns and Cardamom too .... all ah have tuh say is .... de costumes damn hottt!!! .... an ah definitely feelin de heat!!
PS: lawd ah hearin 'neighin' ... like dem horses on de loose again!!
Who tell yuh to reach late!!!!
You are right, Scotch Bonnet is really TOO red and Borage had a frontline??
I goad you agree Ac, these costumes way toooo skimpy. It reminds me of some of nina mckenzie designs. Like all bands they need to showcase a variety of models, not just these super small girls so that regular size girls could visualize how the costumes will look on them. What about the busty girls, they certainly can't wera these cage bras. Even if there is a corset option, let's see how that looks! I'm predicting that some of these designs will not have the same appeal on a corset.
I am loving these costumes! Skimpy and skimpier! LOL.
I am not feeling this new trend of not playing soca at a band launch tho...maybe it's cause of Zen, but I hope this is the last launch where I have to hear that there was no soca1 It's an outrage to me!
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