People who buy stuff at Jebelle and other ‘high end’ (or rather high priced) stores at the Faulls (and other such establishments) and keep the bag they got their stuff in until the bag looks as tired as the item they purchased probably does.
Throw away the bag already! We get it…you shop at Jebelle.
But yuh know what? Nobody gives a shit.
People who play Carnival. You don’t play Carnival idiot…you play mas.
This damn Chinese food that apparently they lace with cocaine/heroin/marijuana/ecstacy/whatever to get you addicted because since I discovered them about two months ago, I have to have it at least once a week.
Does Chinese food make you fat? Yuh doh really see much fat Chinese people yuh know...

B-mobile blocking my Digicel calls.
Don't deny it you damn PR Coverup know it's true!
Falling asleep on a Law & Order/CSI/Any Show That I'm Watching episode just before they come to the good part. Damn you sleepiness! Damn you to heck!
That's it for now...I think...
LOL! That sleepiness thing sounding like my mother. "Hmm huh! What ah miss allyuh?! Tell meh nah! What ah miss?!"
It real aggravating! You good all de time yuh know and then all of a sudden...yuh wake up and the show done. *sigh*
De only thing is she does wake up in de most suspenseful part of the show/movie and want to know what she miss. If yuh doh talk through the best part and tell she what she sleep though, she will ask you all through the rest of the show anyway, so yuh might as well resign yuhself to the fact that yuh enjoyment a de show/movie done and tell she! After which, she spends another 5, ten minutes explaining that she didn't really fall asleep, she was just resting she eye!
I had a marathon session last night! (Get your mind out of the
I watched the House marathon on USA and didn't fall asleep until it finished at 11:00 :D
The next problem though was dreaming House whole blasted night!
lil off topic from the previous commenent...but this is 2 funny...i doh understand y ppl who shoppin at jebelle gettin u vex...if dey dont ever feel like throwin away d bag daz their business. i mean if u wanna pay the money u cud do what u feel...
ahahahah dat jebelle ting rell crack me up!! thats the same ting wit Victoria's Secret too!! every damn girl in my skool want to bring to skool a flippin Victoria's Secret bag for their lunch..mind u, d bag lookin bruk up!! lol!!
and dat SAME ting happened to me last nite!! i was watchin 90210 and rite before d part when spencer[or watever he name is] was goin to talk to d pregnant girl...ah fall asleep!!!!
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