The media (print, radio, tv) in Trinidad & Tobago disappoints me on an almost daily basis, with the inaccurate reporting, outlandish and misleading headlines and apparent lack of spell/grammar checks.
While I do not profess to be Miriam Webster, sometimes the errors are just glaringly obvious and jump out at me.
The Big Question in Tuesday's Trinidad Express for example.

FYI Express...
1. a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun:
their home; their rights as citizens; their departure for Rome.
1. in or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now.
Oh gawd Afro Chic ..... DOH START MEH AGAIN ON DIS TOPIC!!! .... ah done gripe bout it some time ago on my blog .... buh hear nah .... yuh spell 'their' wrong eh! .... hmmmmm .... so yuh see how easy it is tuh make mistake! :-)
yea express always had a grammatical issue..
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