Who: Outta de Blue
What: All-Inclusive
Where: Queen’s Royal College Grounds, St. Clair
When: Saturday 5th January 2008
How much: $400 (Last year: $400)
This was my second year going to Outta de Blue and while QRC was not on my list of fetes to go, after getting a complimentary ticket on Friday night, all that changed.
Anyhoo…on with the review…
I got to QRC at around 7:45pm and could hear All Stars on stage.
I only heard the last 15 minutes or so of All Stars, and was really disappointed that I didn’t get there in time to take in their full performance. The little I heard of them sounded great as expected and they ended their session with Woman on the Bass.
3.5 throw waist out of 5
ROY CAPE feat. Blaxx, Trini Jacobs and Olatunji “Yip Yip” Yearwood
Blaxx started off by teasing the crowd with his tune “Breathless”.
I say tease because the band just kept playing the intro and ‘wheeling’ the song and driving the crowd into a fenzy.
Another good versatile performance by Roy Cape.
Even Trini Jacobs looked like she was interested! And hear nah, just watching Olatunji does make me tired…dat boy have energy!
I was able to get a small clip of them performing Breathless.
De screaming yuh hearing is not me eh! At least ah doh think so...LOL.
4 throw waist out of 5.
Blazz performing Breathless (file size 7MB)
I know what yuh thinking…Sanelle who? What? Eh?
So for some reason that I could not fathom at the time, and still can’t fathom now as a matter of fact, someone decided to invite/bring/encourage Sanelle Dempster to perform.
Yes Sanelle have a tune this year (Bring de Water), which she sang. She also opened with one the crowd would be more familiar with "Nothing".
But overall Sanelle's performance was a snooze fest. *yawn*
I went to looking for the bar-b-que pigtail at that point.
½ throw waist out of 5
The self-proclaimed “Big Man in the Business” aka “De boss” came onto the stage and threw the crown into the usual frenzy. What really mash up the crowd though, was when he brought his two sons on stage to perform…he says this is for when he ”retires” they have to carry his flag.
His sons (Marlon and The-other-son-whose-name-I-did-not-ketch) have a lot of their father’s mannerisms on stage and they both tall like him too!
So have no fear Iwer fans, when Iwer get old, he have people to pass the baton to.
Iwer, Marlon and the other son (Neil Jr maybe?) get 3.5 throw waist out of 5
TRAFFIK feat. Sherwayne Winchester, Sean Caruth and Keagan Taylor
Got to see Traffik perform in their entirety and it was a pretty solid performance.
Keagan look like he fall into the mix nice and he handle his business.
Sean I think need to step up his game when it comes to the dress code, as both Sherwyane and Keagan were well outfitted in a waistcoat and shirt respectively, while he was rocking a t-shirt.
Dat nah wuk Sean.
I left the party while Traffik was finishing up their set.
3.5 throw waist out of 5
Roy Cape.
No lines this year!! A definite improvement from last year.
Appetizers: Stuffed curry crab and dumplings (or is it stuffed dumplings with curry crab?), fish broth, corn soup, bake and shark, barbeque pigtail and more.
Main meal: Three different main meals: Chinese, Indian and Creole
Everything I had was very tasty.
4.5 burps out of 5
Two very large bars both of which were well staffed by Servis.
Straws and napkins right through.
(Remember what I said about the importance of these last year right?)
4.5 glasses out of 5
Nice clean bathrooms.
Running water, full length mirror, pantyshields, St. Ives cream.
Nice long lines.
QRC…you need more bathrooms for the ladies and another full length mirror.
Please and thanks.
3 flushes out of 5
This fete attracts an older crowd and older men doh really appeal to me, so the little eye food I saw was nothing to scream about.
2 cross eye out of 5
Food for the guys was good as always, cause this is Trinidad.
3.5 cross eye out of 5
Great Review Afro Chic, I am looking forward to more for upcoming events.
I like the video! Good one AC.
I'm just loving your reviews. It's the next best thing to being there!
Thanks for the feedback guys.
hilarious review, AC. excellent job as always. :D
We breathless, I cant wait to jump to that one. Nice reveiw AC.
Afro Chic I hope those comps keep comin your way ... cuz I just love reading your reviews :-)
Oh gosh AC, your reviews start?? Is now I ready to reach!! Love the scoring system, lol.
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