Yesterday I took a day off to go purchase my tiles and my toilet.
On Sunday, my tile guy had started removing the old tile from the bathroom and preparing the surface for the new tile, but had no new tile to lay.
So I found myself back in Chaguanas at Classic Tiles where I had initially seen a really nice looking and very affordable tile for my bathroom. Got to Classic Tiles and this is what greeted me.
On Sunday, my tile guy had started removing the old tile from the bathroom and preparing the surface for the new tile, but had no new tile to lay.
So I found myself back in Chaguanas at Classic Tiles where I had initially seen a really nice looking and very affordable tile for my bathroom. Got to Classic Tiles and this is what greeted me.
The only thing I didn’t do was cry. *Instant headache*
All my ideas for the bathroom revolved around this tile.
Hubby, who was with me at the time suggested an alternative.
But there were no alternatives as far as I was concerned. I wanted THAT tile.
I left Classic Tiles very disappointed and ventured to Tile Depot and then to Tile Warehouse in Central. There were some nice enough tiles and some hell no! tiles, but none that spoke to me the way that one did.
Now in between all of this my-tile-is-sold-out-drama, I’m calling my tile guy to find out how much of the tile I should purchase, and he tells me he does not remember the exact measurement of my bathroom! WHAT?! *Bigger headache*
I couldn’t think clearly and was getting frustrated so I ended up going back home.
After getting home and popping two Aleve tablets for my headache, I formulated a plan, went and measured my bathroom and headed to Ceramic Trinidad.
Long story short…I got my wall tiles and border and Ceramic Trinidad and my floor tiles at Interior Harmony in Sea Lots.
These are my tiles.
Wall tile and border
Floor tile and metallic accent tile
I purchased my toilet at Bath & Kitchen on Mucurapo Road (had to go to their Diego Martin warehouse to collect).
I found out that looking for a toilet ain't as easy as it sounds, as I learnt there are lots of brandless toilets out there (I know about American Standard, Twyford and Armitage Shanks).
I also learnt about 'P' trap, flushes out the back of the toilet and 'S' trap toilets, flushes in the floor, as well as the new push button toilet vs the traditonal lever.
My toilet is in a box so I don't have a picture, but it looks something like this.
Hopefully my new bathroom can look as gorgeous as the one in the picture.
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