Wednesday, February 27, 2008
She has always been sending her thoughts and observation to her friends via email along with her pics.
Ever since she found out my blog, I've been encouraging her to start her own and she finally has. is her take on life in T and T.
Welcome to the blogging is just to get you on Facebook!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Exam Results...

Monday, February 25, 2008
Renovations Update: DUST IN DE PLACE!!
Glass tiles at Ceramic Trinidad
Also this weekend, the first of many walls "to buss" as we say was umm...'busted'. One of the windows to the front of the house was removed to make way for my FAB! new front door.
My son hard at work laying bricks
My dining table covered in dust
My front yard
Work continues this week with more walls to be knocked down and more dust and rubble to be added to my house.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Exam results...
Now with all the Christmas decorating and boots desinging the last thing on my mind was exam results.
It was only last week while I was putting away some stuff to save it from all the dust of the renovations, when I came across my Marketing/PR/Advertising text, that I remembered about exams and results.
I made a call to one of my classmates and they too were wondering what was going on with the results.
To date I have not received the dreaded results and am wondering what are the next steps toward finding out the results.
I think I'll make a call to my school and find out.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The House Renovations Begin...
These are some of the items that I really liked and was able to sneak a couple pics of.
Vanities at Roopnarine Home Centre
The guys said they were coming at 8:30am bright and early Monday.
And in true contractor style they arrived just after 1 o'clock.
Work began in earnest on the roof, and they finshed that just after 11 o'clock on Monday night.
What I met when I got home
My contractor "Rope" on the roof
Halfway there
Yesterday (Tuesday), they promised to come earlier, and they did, getting there at 11:00am and working well into the night and early morning, leaving this morning at 2:00am!!
Casualties from the renovations:
1. My beauty sleep. It hard to get any rest when all in your dreams yuh hearing hammers and electric saws.
2. The dry cough that I've been nursing since Carnival, is now full blown with all the dust in the air.
3. Relations with my neighbours, who must be cussing with all the hammering that going on into the late hours of the night and early morning.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Can somebody say SPELLCHECK?!?!?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Best and worst of Carnival 2008...
This year I didn't go to as many fetes, so I tailored my list accordingly.
Best All Inclusive
For the second year running…Trinity College fete– Soca in Moka
Best Non-Inclusive
I would have to say 3Canal’s show SHINE in Queen’s Hall.
With the exception of the audience who was moving real stoosh like they fraid to move in they seats.
Best CD
I eh buy none yet.
On a related note though, I hear Machel Montano’s Flame On giving trouble…Track 10.
Best Gape
St. Mary’s College All Inclusive. Take win.
Special Mention
This goes to the BELEX All Inclusive which, while not packed to capacity was still a great fete.
The Trying Too Hard Award
Stop begging/asking people if this is Road March/Soca Monarch.
What will be will be…Just let it come naturally.
The Favorite Performing Band Award
Kes the Band featuring Nadia “throat for days” Batson.
The only down side to their performance this year was the distration of Kees taking of he blasted shirt for every performance.
The Keeping It Consistent Award
Destra Garcia.
Last year Destra copped the honorable mention of Worst Dressed Female Frontline Singer.
This year, I didn’t see her ‘live’ for the season other than in the newspaper, but it looks like she wanted to hang on to that award this year…Who say Hat Trick in 2010?!?
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Ronnie and Caro - The Aftermath...
Tuesday morning had me up at about 3:30am. We had to meet the band for 7:00am behind Sacred Heart.
Staying at Carnival Central in St. James has its benefits, we do have the drawback of only one bathroom for the many masqueraders who stay there. Plus I also had my makeup 'appointment' at 4:00am with my aunt.
While waiting for said appointment, I took the time to fix my headpiece (which was too tight for my big head), as well as finishing up my Tuesday boots by adding some braid and mucho rhinestones. (I had no time to decorate my own boots with all the work I had to do).
Got my makeup done and everyone was out of the house and on the bus by 7:00 or thereabouts.
The bus dropped us off and went on to drop the parents, who were playing in ImageNation, downtown.
PROMPTLY at 7:05am while munching on breakfast, Ronnie told his staff we were moving out and whoever was not there would find us. We headed to our first judging point which was downtown where we had to wait behind Legacy. While waiting I made a small detour to Frederick Street to purchase some socks (I left mine home in my haste) to wear with my boots as the toes on my right foot were sore form the day before.
I probably poked enough people with my backpack heading to the stage downtown. For all those who may have been injured while basking in my frontline glory...hard luck. If yuh see a woman decked out looking FAB! with she backpack, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! Doh tell meh "Miss yuh poke meh in meh eye/nose/ears/face" cause meen business.
I was surprised by how small our section was though, I thought it was actually one of the nicer sections in the band. There were only 3 frontline ladies and the section was the smallest in the band.
The flow was much better on Tuesday, we even went Piccadilly, which did slow us down a bit I think but then we moved swiftly up to the Savannah, where I got the opportunity to see TRIBE's costumes as they were right behind us.
I spent most of my time looking at people's feet to see if I saw any of my creations on the road and actually did end up seeing a couple of them! I saw the Saucy one looking FAB! of course and took a picture of the two of us.
Once we crossed the Savannah stage we headed to our rest stop which was opposite QRC and it was there that things went bleh for me.
The rest stop that was supposed to only be 45 minutes ended up being an hour and a half, as we had to wait for TRIBE and their million and one trucks to pass us. (Not blaming TRIBE here eh. so doh bring no hate).
Instead of moving off one time, the trucks took a while to move off and then headed up to Wildflower Park and then down Alexandra Street. This long wait made us pick up stragglers and lose masqueraders, because by the time the band came to 'order' there were definitely fewer masqueraders. Also missing after the lunch break was the band's security.
One thing that pisses me off as a masquerader is when a band realises they lagging or they trying to gain ground and will have the trucks speed up and have us, the masqueraders jogging behind the blasted truck like is a damn 5K. Meen pay fuh dat!
And truck horn only blowing yuh out of the way so they could accelerate. I doh think any truck should be going faster than 5km per hour on the road Carnival Monday and Tuesday, both for safety purposes and just general winery. ANYHOO...rant over.
All that said, overall I had a GREAT time on the road with Ronnie and Caro, from the vodka soaked salt the the FAB! backpack (hadda big up meh girl Arlene here who make backpack for me last minute!) and I would most definitely play with them again in 2009.
And we came FIRST in medium bands!!! Congrats to Ronnie and Caro and the crew! We have a celebratory lime tonight.
I must add here that after playing frontline, I would be hard pressed to ever play backline again.
Benefits of playing frontline:
You get to go on the stage before your section and play yuhself.
The band/section designers who fix your backpack for you so it fits comfortably on your back.
The entourage who holds everything for you including your camera and you can just instruct them to take pics! LOL. (Much thanks to the hubby MUAH!)
The paparazzi who take lots and lots and lots of pics! So make sure yuh looking tops!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Carnival 2008 - The Aftermath...
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Allyuh REAL maccoing boy....
No speech this time though...
But thank you and continue macco...err...reading!
Friday, February 01, 2008
De Mang - Costume Collection...
Costume collection was a breeze.
It was just a tad bit slower than last year, but I still had my balance to pay this time, whereas last year I had paid in full. Also this was a guest section with the band.
No lines. No stress.
My costume (From far left to right)
Blue top and straw hat for Monday
Various accessories for arms and legs
Bikini Top
Necklace and earrings
Costume belt
Boy shorts (not pictured)
My headpiece (that I'll be fixing)
Blue tote bag
Kotex pads
Carefree pantyshields
Sports Balm rub
Painol tablets
Two condoms (red and yellow, not sure if they flavoured)
Foot massager
KFC bandana (tres ugly)
2008 calendar
Drink cup
Makeup (blush/bronzer something)
Coupons for Carnival Essentials:
$2 off Purell
$3 off Listerine Whitening or Pocket Mist
$2 off Carefree 100s
$3 off Tylenol Rapid Release or Multi-Symptom
$5 off Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunblock or Fresh Colling Sunblock
I am very happy with my costume. It is what was advertised.
I have some minor adjustments that I knew I would have to make cause I want to customise my costume.
So look for me on the road!!!
Kes the Band On the Plaza - The Aftermath in Pics...
Nadia and Kes